Sponsor/Advertising Info

Are you looking to advertise or become a sponsor for SC2NewSCast.com?  Right now we have plenty of open advertising opportunities on the website as well as during the podcast.  Prices are negotiable and trade offers are welcome as well. 

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at sc2newscast@gmail.com for more information.  This is a great time to get in as we are still small, but growing quickly. 

Also, if you are a small tournament or StarCraft 2 event wishing to get coverage, please contact us at sc2newscast@gmail.com as well.  Right now I am taking requests for free while we are still small.

Also, we have a small banner if you would like to affiliate us.  Here is the image:
Here is the code to put this banner on your site with the link:

<a href="http://sc2newscast.com/" style="cursor: pointer;"><img alt="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZbzxtHZSGOY/TitIMuoUVuI/AAAAAAAAAFo/NiP50AYC-pM/s1600/Banner2+%25282%2529.png" border="0" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZbzxtHZSGOY/TitIMuoUVuI/AAAAAAAAAFo/NiP50AYC-pM/s1600/Banner2+%25282%2529.png"/></a>